Monday, November 10, 2008


"Didn't we have the same topic in this conference last year ? Why do we have it again ?" Our man from Pluto asked - in the middle of the conference organizing committee.

A few of us hurried to explain, "Em... Two drug companies wish to sponsor the symposium, and that's the topic that they specify."

Of course that's the case. There are new products in that area and our "business partners" are just too eager to push for the sales. After all, many participants of the meeting are sponsored by those companies.

A die-hard follower of market economy would not consider that a problem: Areas of new advances naturally attract more audience - that's exactly the purpose of having this kind of scientific conference. However, you may have a skeptical view and witness a professional meeting degrading to a extravagant pharmaceutical fair.

The problem is: Should be aim to provide a forum for our business partners to educate the audience, with the obvious benefit of revenue generation, or should we lead the way and choose topics that we believe important ? (Provided that we know the way. Do we ?)

"We should strike a balance between the two ..." You may say.

Alas, it's so much easier to be said than done.

By the way, BALANCE stands for By And Large A Naive Cockeyed Eunuch.

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