Sunday, November 9, 2008


I must say I am thoroughly happy because I need not to have an opinion. That's a privilege of those living in Eden.

The argument put up by my friend was completely sound and logical. In fact, I could foresee if the series of communication was let known to some Patient Right Association, the hospital would be forced to resume the practice - and being asked why this policy was not effected earlier.

Nonetheless it is not always easy to act according to what logical arguments lead us to. As Arthur Schopenhauer pointed out, humans were motivated only by their own basic desires (Wille zum Leben, or "will-to-life"). More often than not we determine in no time the conclusion by our limbic system (which has a much higher speed of computation for evolutionary reasons), and for the rest of the time that we spend on so-called "thinking", we try to put up reasons and logic for what's been decided.

In other words, most of us use logic like a drunk uses a lamp post - for support, not illumination.

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