Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Computer problem

My computer in out-patient clinic hanged three times this afternoon. This is too much.

The clinic nurse called the "help-desk" in Neptune, and the eternal answer was to re-boot the computer again. Well, those who live in Neptune may be lovely and timid creatures, but they hardly know what's happening on earth.

I used to be puzzled for this very phenomenon: why don't they ask someone on earth to take charge of the hospital information system ? With time, I come to realize that anyone who is recruited into the team to work with this system emigrates to Neptune spontaneously over night. The fact that someone is responsible for designing and maintaining this system means that this person needs to attend all those board meetings and so forth, and therefore there leaves no time for him to actually use the system.

The same argument holds true for any hospital administration. Whatever their background, those who manage the hospital obviously have no time to take care of the patients - which is what a hospital is supposed to do.

OK, the only difference is administrators emigrate to Pluto, not Neptune.

To hell they go.

1 comment:

KM Chow said...

Call it Pluto. Someone in such a legendary world of administrators with no idea "what's happening on earth". These days we have so many Pluto in charge of the systems in our hospital.

Imagine the situation in which a Pluto manager who keeps on asking for reports and statements whenever there is an incident report (Advanced Incident Reporting System). Anxiously I pondered the ways to answer the almighty Pluto. With time, I have come to terms with the fact that Pluto is too busy to read whatever we wrote on the report from our planet.

After all, how can we believe that someone who has emigrated to Pluto can still remember and read the language from our planet?