Thursday, December 27, 2007

Environment protection

Always find Al Gore getting the Nobel prize amazing. If there is any award Gore deserves, it should be kind of "best marketing strategy" - on climate and environment protection of course.

By no means I think protecting the environment is a bad thing. It is just that what really protects the environment skips the eyes of most. Take the upcoming ordinance from our home city - charging for plastic bag in serial stores - as the example. If we ban all plastic bags and, as they say, "BYOB" (bring your own bag), where would the raw material - petroleum remnant - goes ? Should we wash our own bag after use ? And if yes, do we not consider the disposal of soap and water ? If no, are we risking for another epidemic of, say, cholera ?

Perhaps the old wisdom of economics applies here: any strategy we propose to tackle a problem in life would result in many (alas, many) unforeseen complications - often leaving the original problem untouched. When I was young I used to believe that the only effective measure to protect the environment is birth control. Now I realize that even this drastic measure has severe cerebellar lesion and past-pointed the target.

1 comment:

K said...

Dr. Szeto,

I wish you could post this to Time Magazine.

It's horrific that Al Gore's home uses so much electricity. I thought that we should be acting as model before marketing ourselves.

Puahhaahaha, as for birth control, I agree!