Thursday, December 20, 2007


Chat with LS and WH during lunch. Naturally our discussion comes to the soon expected retirement of CS and JW.

I said - quoting the news from AL - "JW will be extended and do for another year or two."
"Of course. What else can she do ?" WH remarked rather drily.

I consider that a bit sad - from the point of view of her life. JW is no short of money. Yes, she is thoroughly respectable and it is always a good idea to have someone experienced amongst us. One may argue if you are really enthusiastic and enjoy your work, why shouldn't you put all your effort on it ? It is just that if a person - and someone really intelligent - can do and enjoy only one thing, it would be real boring and not having the best use of his ability.

The Parthenon is not supported by one pillar - no great building is.

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