Sunday, February 3, 2008

Name list

You may find my list of important characters during the Three Kingdoms (三國) period somewhat unconventional. It is in fact quite a good personality test to see what characters do one pick for this list.

An obvious name that I should not have put up is Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) - generally regarded as the wise man of all-time.

It is not only because he made little material contribution to the Battle of Red Cliffs (赤壁之戰) (which was actually a victory of Zhou Yu 周瑜), or that he was outwitted many times by his unrelenting rival, Sima Yi (司馬懿). Most people think that Zhuge could not have better military achievement because of various environmental factors; I would not agree - the history had provided a perfect case control study:


Alas, as Sherlock Holmes used to say: It doesn't matter what you do in this world, but rather, what you can make people believe that you have done.

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