Friday, September 23, 2016


After a moment of silence, L suddenly decided to change the topic, "My friend, do you love your job?"

"What a question!" I laughed, "It's my job - that's all. True, there are gratifying moments, but I have enough hard times to compensate my reward. Why do you ask that?"

"Alas, I am just inspired recently by the head of a green medical school. He loves his job so much!"

"I must say that's a blessing. Many a time we cannot really choose our occupation - and, in general, we cannot alter what we love. Therefore, it is really a happy coincidence to have the two matched."

"You may be right, and, for those who try their very best for a job that they don't really like, a famous saying just flashes through my mind."


"An amateur performs well on what he likes; a professional also performs well on what he doesn't like."

"Should I thank you for the compliment?" I could not stop smiling.

PS. The original quote should be: An amateur learns what he likes; a professional also learns what he doesn't like.

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