Wednesday, May 7, 2008


There is a huge light box advertisement on the prevention of child abuse in the MTR station: 暴力零容忍 - 由停止體罰開始.

This is no doubt a reflection of digitization of our society: things can either be yes or no, and all or none. To anyone who understand people not our friends are not necessarily the friends of our enemy, there is not a fine line between child abuse and corporal punishment - they are way different. After all, boars and wolves that have not seen the rough of the world would not survive on their own; they become pigs and dogs.

(Oh, maybe that's the purpose.)

You may say most of the abuse begins as corporal punishment. True, but most of the corporal punishment do not result in child abuse. Most of the traitors are well educated, but you wouldn't ban your child from going to school, would you ?

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