Monday, May 19, 2008

Many of the traditional (superstitious ?) Chinese - like me - are concerned with the astrological implication of the recent happenings in Sichuan.

You know what, Mao Zedong died shortly after the Tangshan earthquake (唐山地震) in 1976. For those who are not familiar with the geography of China, Tangshan is near Beijing.

What do we expect this time ?

The monk in exile is now 73.

Who would be, and how long does it take to find, the next ?

My limited knowledge on political ecology says that it is usually the more aggressive person to emerge when a figurehead dies in the middle of a movement ...

(... not to say of an assassination.)

PS. First came the typhoon in Burma, then the earthquake in Sichuan. 巽下震上,乃易經第三十二卦<雷風恆>。 象辭原文:恆;君子以立不易方。

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