Friday, May 2, 2008


JW makes a remark that I do have guts. Well, yes, sometimes.

But he brings my memory to crabs - the gentlemen with no guts (無腸公子).

At least I realize the very fact that those who have a fierce looking and walk in the transverse direction are exactly the ones with no guts. (My salute to ancient Chinese biologists – if there were such a people exist.) For the same reason, those in deep – and hot – water and try to pull the others back to the wok have no guts.

Oh, don’t look down upon crabs. You know what: Nowadays there is no clean and genuine gentleman with no guts in our home country. The pollution is so bad that the famous Chinese mitten crab (大閘蟹) has become extinct – or they have actually mutated and their body (and brain !) is now full of poisons.

Alas, there are a few remaining: They are descendants of the fortunate ones who emigrated to Holland in the last century and became settled in the underground sewage drains.

Isn’t it a vivid demonstration of our country ?

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