Saturday, May 17, 2008


Finished with the final examination. Quite a relief.

As usual, our man from Pluto did his very best to save every borderline student - to the extend that our external examiners might not be all too happy. Of course it is terrible to fail after 5 (or more) years of work. On the other hand I strongly believe medical schools should bear social responsibility, and have to make sure every graduate is up to the standard. If we pretend to be kind and let through a weak candidate, it would equally mean we are reckless of the danger to our patients.

After all, medical schools should not be judged by the number of graduate they produce (which unfortunately is by some of our government official), but by the quality of the doctors that come out.

PS. You may argue it is our responsibility to educate students and make sure they pass. No, they should be responsible for their own fate. Medical school provides the appropriate environment and hardware to train up a doctor - but it is entirely up the students' effort to determine how much they could get from that 5 years.

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