Wednesday, May 28, 2008


"A is better than B, therefore it should be A."

You may think my example of logic yesterday was child's play. Yes, of course - but many of us are easily taken in by such a simple blind.

I learnt some years ago a useful trick to sell something - from simple logo for a conference to billion-dollar-worth business proposal - is to provide an unacceptable alternative.

"Sir, we have designed two slogans for the advertisement of your product: one is so-so, and the other is hopeless. Please make a choice ... You think so-so is better ? So are we. OK, that's fixed."

Do you find this story somewhat familiar ? The one that you heard recently is this:

"Sir, we have designed six proposals for the funding of your ... Please make a choice ... "

I wish I could imitate of RK - our previous reader in neurology - and say, "I choose to make a choice later."

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