Friday, March 27, 2009


Visited my dentist last week. There's some long standing problem with one of my molars and, after some hesitancy, I squeeze up my courage and have it fixed (alas, removed in reality).

I saw this dentist since I graduated. He is no big name but just a humble one working near to where I used to live. To him, I must be one of the most disobedient patient - appointments of regular check and cleansing were always defaulted, and I only turn up when there's something urgent. Being a physician myself, I must admit my poor adherence to his advise no doubt contribute to my weak rusty yellow teeth. (My mother apparently took quite some tetracycline while she was pregnant. That paved the path to my characteristic colour.)

You may wonder the university does provide dental service for academic staff, why on earth did I have to visit a private one ? Nonetheless, teeth are no less private a body part than anywhere else, and it is comforting to see someone whom you trust.

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