Saturday, March 21, 2009


While I just finished with my grumble, I met VW in the computer room and he asked, "So, what's actually your opinion on how the new generation doctors choose their subject and specialty ?"

"Oh, I have decided that I do not need to have any opinion." I tried to be evasive. My opinion is what I often call a level zero one.

Alas, that's the most fundamental question that we often forget when we try to understand or have an opinion on something: Do we need to understand or have an opinion ?

For those who are not familiar with the field, the whole system roots from the classic Black Cylinder Experiment of Edward de Bono, which is described in his book Practical Thinking (the most important book of de Bono in my view, but unfortunately also the least popular one).

And, as soon as you realize there are many things that we do not have to understand or have an opinion, we could lead a much more simple life - and could spare our energy to the few things that are really important.

PS. Of course I have my opinion on the question that VW asked me, but I have a habit of expressing serious opinions between the lines and in some empty space that I leave behind. Please bear with me.

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