Wednesday, December 7, 2016


While we are considering who to vote for in the coming Chief Executive Election Committee Subsector Election, a classmate of mine said, "I could not find all 30 good candidates to vote for. As a result, I shall put up fewer votes so as to concentrate my support."

I must say I find this plan, to say the least, ingenuous.

Let's go through the considerations step by step:

Let's consider a simple situation: There are 10 candidates running for 2 posts, and we can cast 2 votes.

Scenario #1: If we support 2 candidates and are strongly against the other 8, we should certainly vote for the 2 that we support.

Scenario #2: If we support 3 candidates, we should vote 2 of them who have the highest chance of winning.

(To be continued.)

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