Saturday, December 24, 2016


Frequent visitor of this blog would know I use Evernote for information management. (For example, see

Over the years, the program improves drastically, and I use it now for almost every aspect of my life. It is my second brain to keep useful information, a filing cabinet to hold meeting notes, a program to keep track on all projects, a note pad to write down things to do and wild ideas, and what not.

Nonetheless, Evernote is not designed for file management. I still keep most of the files in Google Drive - photo, database, and many other documents - and there comes the problem. In short, it is not uncommon for me to shift directly from a note page (for example, one with some cursory notes that I made during a meeting) to an actual file. How could I do it?

There are two official ways: Move the file into the notes as an attachment, or, if the file is kept in Google Drive, attach the hyperlink of the file to the notes.

However, neither is entirely satisfactory.

Let me explain tomorrow.

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