Friday, March 7, 2008


“Education is different. We should not discriminate people for their age in employment considerations.”

Friends, where is the line between requirement and discrimination? We do not allow a fresh secondary school graduate to take up the post of Mr. Tsang either. Who are we discriminating? Nobody. We need someone with experience.

For the same reasons, we cannot accept some Mrs. Yip - one of our retired government secretaries - to play Shakespeare's Juliet (Lady Macbeth would be our pick for her, of course), or Tony Blair joining Manchester United - if you were Sir Alex Ferguson. (Oh, AC Milan may accept our ex-PM; that’s another story.) Why? The physique doesn’t fit.

Then, how vigorous a job do we accept a preference for young applicants?

You may think we are entering a grey area. Remind you, there is no such colour called grey in physics. There is only a mixture of black and white - the details of which we are unable to discern.

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