Sunday, March 16, 2008


"Pollution is a sin," declared the messenger.

Our automobile certainly plays an important part in air pollution. What can we do ? Use a less dirty fuel - after all, petroleum is expensive and the supply is not unlimited.

Hence alcohol (ethanol) comes to the stage: it burns without smoke, and we can make it from agricultural products (for example, corns). In short, it is environment-friendly.

We see more and more farmers turning into to this business - and give up rice and wheat. Do you know the price of flour has gone up by over 30% last year ? Rice is the same. Quite some countries are cutting down the export of rice and wheat in view of the fall in production - to save for internal consumption.

We can pay - but not those in many less than affluent countries. We create poverty - or inequality.

"Creating poverty is - again - a sin," so declared the messenger.

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