Tuesday, March 18, 2008


All classes of kindergartens and primary schools are suspended for a possible outbreak of influenza.

Why, three children died. Although it is quite possible that none of them was directly related to the virus, we'd better play safe. Just five years ago, we were shocked with what had happened - we don't want it again.

And we take all the drastic actions: we isolate everyone with chest infection or diarrhea. We become skeptical with all reassurance, and believe only in bad news. We give up science and logic. "We are not in the court. We do not have to consider evidence - my eyes is evidence," declared by the best actress of the soap opera.

And everyone around think this is a doctrine of wisdom ... my god!

Yes, it was a traumatic experience. We didn't die, but we were locked up in the Naraka realm (地獄界) - forever.

It leaves a terrible scar - not on our face, but in our behaviour.

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