Monday, March 17, 2008


You man say, "we can improve the productivity of the crop, so that both ends could be met."

Good idea. In fact, Yuan Long Ping (袁隆平) has done this kind of work in rice - successfully feeding millions of people. We can do the same for corns.

Hold on. How are you going to do this ? By introducing genes to the plant (in order to make it produce bigger fruit, and increase the resistance against insects and virus) ?

No. Genetic manipulation is the third sin.

"There is no need to manipulate the gene. We can select those strains with desirable characters and breed them specifically."

Friends, do you seriously think this is not a kind of genetic manipulation - albeit in a "low-tech" way ? (By the way, modern corns were really "selected" by such a method from its ancient predecessor - and it took more than one thousand years to make the fruit edible.)

That's why I said Vatican has moved to Pluto.

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