Saturday, June 7, 2008


My congratulations to JW, who won the VC Exemplary Teaching Award 2007.

And I am amazed to find that he named me as one of the mentors from whom he shaped his teaching method. It sounds like Warren Buffet thanks Benjamin Graham for the teaching on how to make money in stock market.

The good news is our Buffet of medicine is still active in clinical practice and teaching. Every morning when I observe him being surrounded by a crowd of medical students, I could believe our graduates would not be all that bad.

PS. Yes, as you recognize, that's not only teaching - but mentorship. But it is for this very reason, I have much reservation on the faculty mentorship program, which assigns each group of students to an elderly with nondescript facial appearance and obscure personality. We need role models - and a few high flying ones would do.

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