Thursday, June 19, 2008


You may think movement of earth crust is beyond our comprehension.

Not to the least. The recent happening in Si Chuan (四川) is an unfortunate example - and this is not an isolated event.

You know what, the Himalayas are the result of continental collision between the Indo-Australian and Euro-Asia Plates of the earth crust. The boundary of these two pieces continues to force against each other, disturbing our pandas while the Mount Everest shoots up. The same movement probably explains the tsunami near Indonesia some years ago.

(Oh, I learn all these from "十萬個為什麼".)

Now we are getting to the heart of the problem: When the world's highest mountain gets even higher, some land must be falling. Where would it fall ? For sure those at the margin of the (Indo-Australian) Plate.

Were we talking about the submerging south Pacific islands yesterday ?

1 comment:

K said...

That's very true (the part about plate tectonics and changing sea levels).

Hmm.. then again no one really publicizes where, when and how they measure the sea levels. Haha, don't really know.