Monday, June 16, 2008


Please believe me. By no means I was implying the Academy and Colleges are at the moment abusing their power - but there could be a risk, to say the least.

College councils are, in general, respectable professionals.

But there lacks a mechanism to monitor. It is possible that the academy may, some time later, be dominated by senior private practitioners who are more interested in their own business than what the society as a whole needs. It is also not a far-fetched idea to have in the future a college hijacked by a dictator, who could point finger to his opponents and limit their practice (or promotion).


Author's declaration: The above deductions are purely imaginary and it does not imply wrongdoings of these kinds did actually happen. 此地無銀 ? My Chinese is very limited. What does it mean ?

1 comment:

EW said...

I wouldn' be so worried. Our prosperous (to some anyway) little society is so admirably run by highly respectable individuals without monitoring mechanism for so many years.