Tuesday, June 10, 2008


With all my thoughts on creativity, I went to Aberdeen and observed the exit examination of the College. (The rain was torrential !)

For those who are not familiar with this exercise, it is an oral examination by three pairs of examiners. The questions are fixed by the College, and all examiners receive a set of model answer.

On the whole the questions seemed appropriate, but one of them caught my attention - it is about brain-stem death. One (major) part of it asked for the detailed criteria for confirming the diagnosis.

To my surprise, many candidates could recite the whole page, which consists of nearly 15 items. I must say, despite working in a transplant center for 15 years, I could never name all the points without looking at a reference. No doubt many of the trainees specifically read up the subject before they came.

Of course it is nice to be able to remember all the criteria. However, if I were in charge of the Hospital Authority, I would NOT allow any doctor to put it in their head.

Why ? I'll tell you tomorrow.

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