Monday, June 23, 2008


My friend AW says that one of the greatest happiness of life is watching sunset. I cannot agree more.

(I was too much affected by the poem of Li Shanyan [李商隱]: 若使曉珠明又定,一生長對水晶盤.)

I was fortunate enough to have a room with a good view for sunset when living in the hostel in Bristol. There were many evenings I sat by the side of the window, with a cup of coffee and admired the beauty of nature. Summer evenings in England are usually long, and I could easily have two hours sitting there with my mind wondering nowhere. A year later, on my way back Hong Kong, I was sure I used up all the quota of watching sunset in my life.

Unfortunately I was right. And I pull down the curtain to hide me from the glaring light in the west – so that I could focus on the computer monitor and meet some deadline.

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