Sunday, February 15, 2009


As soon as I come to appreciate how fish fins turn into feet, the difference between the genuine god and human pretending god becomes immediately obvious.

Alas, the latter would plan for the fish and try to design the optimal femur and tarsal structures good enough for weight bearing, attach to them with flesh strong enough for the being able to move around, and prepare a piece of dessication-proof cover called skin. A few of the designers may call a meeting before coming to the conclusion that their product should have a name leg. (We shall leave aside the question how often this carefully designed structure could function properly - that's a topic on business administration.)

To the true god, he just provides an environment that you need to walk - the organism would figure out the rest.

In that sense, god is the first supporter of a free market.

PS. Don't laugh. People before Darwin's time did seriously believe that the former pathway with careful planning - by the god that they believed in, of course - was the actual mechanism that drives evolution. As the old Chinese saying: 人(神?).

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