Friday, February 27, 2009


I lied half-dead in the pocket when the rest of the day passed by, partly because of the call and partly for feeling too embarrassed for missing the murmur. Dr. Lai mumbled something like, "The pulse was probably too fast last night," "you can't expect too much from the night call," and so forth.

In no time there were several dozens of students and medical officers - all coming with an assistant of my species - arrived to see the woman. They were all too enthusiastic to discuss and compare the findings. "It is typical of mitral stenosis," the consultant of the other ward commented to a group of membership candidates.

My master tried to clean me up with some alcohol and tissue paper - I could see his feeling was none the worse.

But neither he nor I was easily defeated. After a good night of sleep, we did round on the same lady the next morning. Oh, yes ! This time there was a low pitch noise yelling at me when I stretched my body under her clothes - its was in fact quite loud.

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