Friday, February 6, 2009


I am impressed to learn that our sister faculty over the other side of the harbour decides to put up some 20% of their teaching time for ethics and humanistic matters.

Well, let's leave aside the discussion on whether knowledge or ethics is more important for a good doctor. One major concern is: Does ethics teaching of this kind really improve the humanistic quality of the graduates ?

But, even that is not the most important problem. Let's face it: Most of our medical students are enthusiastic and know just too well what should the heart of a good doctor be. It is the years of examinations and calls and numerous torture (or temptation) in the world of real life that rusts their brains and sores their hearts. It doesn't help by increasing humanistic teaching at the undergraduate level.

Alas, realizing this, those die-hard fans of poultry education would no doubt advocate some kind of program to improve the ethical standard of practising doctors.

Shall we call it Continuous Ethics Education (CEE) ?

Does it mean going to the church every week, or to the Wong Tai Sin temple (or Che Kung temple) yearly ?

What a horror !

PS. The whole thing is not new, because our man from Pluto did have a suggestion of similar kind not long ago. Interested readers may like to go through my blog on 13 September 2008 and thereafter.

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