Tuesday, February 17, 2009


On thinking twice, human beings - not only financial tyrants but more so medical scientists - must be schizophrenic when they pay tribute to Charles Darwin.

You know what, there were no CEOs of dinosaur species to fight for a change in climate policy so that reptiles who were ill-fit to the new environment would give way to others with a suitable design. Similarly, there was no Dinosaur Right Group to struggle for an equal opportunity of reproduction for some small group of reptiles that were born with blood cells that had a funny shape, sputum that kept obstructing their lung, or enough cholesterol to block up their heart before they could lay any egg.

Oh, in Homo sapiens, we call them sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and familial hypercholesterolemia (or any other form of premature coronary disease).

And there are countless number of other examples.

Yes, we are working against natural selection and try to preserve bad genes.

Maybe eliminating good ones, too (just take a look on the variation in birth rate between different countries).

PS. Don't be mistaken. By no means I am against what we are doing - at most I'm somewhat puzzled. By the time Adam ate the apple of intelligence and opened his eyes, we were walking away from god and left Eden forever.


TW said...

I think the development of HK is towards the selection of bad genes. Look at the immigration policy. And the birth rate of the CSSA (with no offend) group is probably highter than the educated group locally.
In the past, the less competitive male won't get a wife (actually I think this is an important selection mechanism in modern society). Nowadays, the educated HK female (the good gene, in certain aspect) won't get a husband, and so so.

EW said...

maybe our civilisation is so advance that we can afford to accommodate bad genes (with the added bonus of genetic variation for "rainy days"!)