Wednesday, December 23, 2009


To our fans of environment protection, don't be too excited with my weird idea of improving the efficiency of photosynthesis - even if it were materialized, it merely alleviate the problem of food supply, but has very little to do with the prevention of global warming.

In fact, even if you have no knowledge on ecology and atmospheric structure, it is not difficult to understand the determining factors of our globe's surface temperature. Here is a simple balance sheet:
  • Input of solar energy (in the form of radiation, i.e. sunshine).
  • Output of solar energy reflected from earth back to the universe. (This is the bit dampened by greenhouse gas of the atmosphere. Note also that if there is absolutely no greenhouse effect, the surface temperature of the earth would be only 5 degree Celcius.)
  • Input of energy from fossil fuel and nuclear reaction.
Note that photosynthesis is not in the equation, nor is wind or hydro-electric gadgets that environment protection fans are so fond of. All of these derive the energy from sunlight and would eventually dissipate as heat - the eternal last final ultimate inevitable rubbish bin of all energy by the rule of thermodynamics.

The implication ? I shall leave it to your own discretion.

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