Monday, December 28, 2009


My friend VW recently expressed his concern of global warming (see

His worry was quite simple. In short, although it is unlikely that the sea level could have a meaningful rise during our life time, it seems mostly likely that the level would rise by at least 5.6 meters in the next 1000 years.

I could not agree more. As a parent, I am always concerned with what type of world I leave for Euterpe and her children.

However, at the same time, another story in ancient China comes through my mind:


文承閒問其父嬰曰:「子之子為何?」曰:「為孫。」「孫之孫為何?」曰:「為玄孫。」「玄孫之孫為何?」曰:「不能知也。」文曰:「... 今君 ... 厚積餘藏,欲以遺所不知何人,而 忘公家之事日損,文竊怪之。」



Is there any difference between monetary wealth and a metaphysical legacy ?

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