Friday, December 11, 2009


It's coming to the end of a year, probably a good idea to look back and consider what book I planned to read but didn't.

Seasoned readers of this blog may recollect I made such a plan at the beginning of the year (go read When I go through it again, many of them were done - except Food Politics and Freakonomics - the latter of which I planned to read in the coming weeks.


My friends KM and BK were recently amazed to find me keeping a few non-medical books in my office. I must say these volumes are there largely for reference.

Here is my (incomplete) list:
  • On Writing Well by William K. Zinsser
  • Troublesome Words by Bill Bryson
  • How to Say It at Work by Jack Griffin
  • Fowler's Modern English Usage
  • Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics by Andrew Cohen and Christopher Wellman
  • The Science of Sherlock Holmes by E. J. Wagner
PS. Strunk & White is not there; I keep it at home for careful study.

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