Monday, December 14, 2009


Before I left for Thailand, my attention was caught by the judge's comment to someone who was found guilty on a local drama: 必遭天譴.

As Philo Vance's criticism on Markham (the District Attorney of New York County, in The Benson Murder Case), "I can understand a lay person making such a comment. But to say this as a professional, it is a bad sign."

And that's exactly the point - our court is supposed to practice justice, and I consider our legal professionals not doing their job right if a man (oh, a woman in this case) has done something evil but his punishment is left to some supernatural power.

To go one step further, even if the guilty person could escape from loopholes in our legal system - be it the law per se, or the litigation procedure (which is far more common) - the duty of our court is to point out the loophole and arrange its fix up. In layman's term, there's not point to cry over spoiled milk.

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