Sunday, December 13, 2009


The big thing on earth (the planet we live, I mean) at this moment is no doubt the Copenhagen Climate Conference.

I shall not elaborate my view on environment protection here. Nonetheless, the Conference does provide great substance for us to ponder - on democracy.

Oh, yes, you see the right word: democracy.

Just a few simple questions:
  • Are climate change and environment protection important issues ?
  • Do they affect every human beings ?
  • If there is any policy, should everyone contribute to make it successful ?
  • Does everyone have a say when the policy is being prepared ?
If you answer yes to all these questions, would you come to the inevitable conclusion that any policy on global environment protection should be decided by the most democratic procedure: referendum of the globe ?

Alas, that's probably the rare occasion where you would find China is all for democracy while the States and Europeans would protest vigorously with reasons all familiar to us.

That would be fun.

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