Friday, February 4, 2011


One of the hot topics that kept coming up in our lunchtime discussion is the difficulty to move up along the social ladder for our young generation.

I must say the opinion is often split amongst the table - and not uncommonly within one's own mind. (Yes, that's what you call schizophrenia.)

Maybe I could illustrate by the career prospect of our young doctors:

Twenty years ago, a physician trainee is entitled to apply for a post of Senior Medical Officer (equivalent to the Associate Consultant nowadays) as long as he has been graduated for 5 years, and has passed the membership examination of the Royal College. In fact, many doctors were promoted with that qualification. In contrast, it is exceedingly lucky if you could get an AC job after graduated for 8 years, with three college examinations and four annual assessments along the course.

Isn't it much more tough for the trainees now?

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