Thursday, August 25, 2011


"You mean, we shall be admitting many more students, but, we would be having many more..." I began to see what JW was trying to get at.

"Yes, exactly," my friend nodded, "The major topic of our meeting was to consider strategies of attracting the top tier students."

"So, what do you come up with?" I asked.

"Just the usual stuff. I am beginning to believe I am no different from an investment banker and am going to do a whole lot of roadshows for an IPO," our professor of gastroenterology could not stop putting up a bitter smile. (IPO stands for initial public offering.)

I was about to say that's a perfect job for our Warren Buffett in medicine.

"In fact, I suggested none of those strategies," my friend continued, "I made only one comment in the meeting."

"Eh...?" LS and I asked at the same time.

"No strategy would be successful in attracting good students if it could easily be copied by our sister faculty across the harbour!" JW said with a twist in his lips.

PS. My friend was absolutely right, and copying is always the best strategy of market leaders. For those interested in this field, go read Competitive Strategy of Michael Porter.

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