Thursday, February 5, 2009


Do you notice I deliberately omitted yesterday the possibility that most of our students are rich ? (I mean they come from affluent families.)

That may well be true.

Unfortunately, that's the even more worrying bit.

Let's consider: Who could get into a medical school ?

Creme de la creme, we hope.

In other words, if capability and intelligence are evenly distributed in a society, we should expect an equal proportion of our students coming from every social class.

But we do not.

Which means:
  1. There is a substantial inequally in the chance of having reasonable education between children from different social classes (so that school children from poor families are less likely to obtain a good enough grade in public examination and get entrance to a medical school); or
  2. children from rich families are preferentially selected, hopefully via formal rather than some backdoor procedures.
I shouldn't say any more.

1 comment:

TW said...

The current HK educational system is quite unfair to the poor. You need to a lot of extra-cirriculum activities, tutorials and do a lot of resource-demanding projects and homework to get high marks. Those who cannot afford will of course become less competitive.