Saturday, July 25, 2009


During a casual conversation, my friend JW asked (rather subtly) if I could have a free hand to write anything I like.

Of course not.

Oh, there is no influence from the extra-terrestrials. But, to say the least, although things could be as clearly written on the face as Inspector Thumm's big red nose, Drury Lane never made a comment (throughout the four Tragedy novels of Barnaby Ross) to hurt the feeling of the police.

And, more often than not, things are not that clear and I am not sure of my own feeling. I dare not make a haphazard description of my idea - but rather presenting merely materials in the sequence that I see it, and leave the audience to form their own opinion.

As Hercule Poirot said to Arthur Hastings (in Murder on the Links): We see the same things. Shouldn't we make the same conclusion ?

Of course not, I know.

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