Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I always find it difficult to understand why Mr. Tsang is so worried about the number of people coming out for a walk on 1st July.

As Agatha Christie said (in the ABC Murders): What is the best place to hide a pin ?

In a pin-cushion.

And, therefore, how to conceal the voice for general election and democracy ?

When there are hundreds of thousands of other people yelling for their own agenda.

More so. If the angry people would turn into quiet peaceful humble obedient tax-paying citizens after sunset and get up to work as usual in the next morning, what's there to worry ?

In fact, I am sure in ten or twenty years, this lovely event would be the same as Da Jiu Festival (太平清醮) of Cheung Chau and be an attraction the tourists.

All Donald has to do is to ask his political alliance (aiya, right, if he has any) to join the walk - and ask for some different things.

PS. A malicious leader would, on the other hand, create a reason to restrict the demonstration next year by secretly inviting both die-hard supporters of the Zheng Sheng College (正生書院) and vigorous representatives of the Mui Wo (
梅窩) people to the parade - so that they could meet each other "by chance".

And, if a satisfactory encounter does not happen spontaneously, facilitate them.

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