Sunday, July 12, 2009


The princess Setsuna Meioh visited our unit earlier this week - we were all very impressed.

My friend BK had the honour to show the princess our unit, and shared with her what our life on earth looked like. The questions (or, really, comments) that our young professor received, however, were phenomenal:
  • How could you stay for so many years without promotion ?
  • Do you (I believe she meant How frequent do you) have a salary rise ?
  • It's nearly 10 years after graduation, and you still need to do front line work ?
  • Is there any specialty that does not need to work hard ?
For the last question, I probably know the answer: If she has severe disability but manage to get into a medical school, she may well be exempted from some bedside exposure, the tough clinical examination, the internship - and get straight to a comforting job.

On a second thought, while Li Ka Shing and Warren Buffett have to work hard, wives and children of a billionaire usually do not.

(Of course you cannot choose your father.)

Go find a rich husband.

PS. The daughter of my friend VW certainly has the wisdom and makes such a decision while she is still in a kindergarten. See:

PPS. Don't you know who Setsuna Meioh is ? Go read Naoko Takeuchi (武内直子) !

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