Thursday, July 9, 2009


The media was all excited with the news of Yao Ming joining Real Madrid - more so after Florentino Perez lost his temper in front of that naive journalist.

In that evening, the Real president accepted an interview by another magazine (probably to remedial what he did in the morning):

"We are surprised you accept another interview on this matter. Let me start with this: Does Yao himself knew that he could never join the real game ?" The reporter asked.

"I am sure he could guess that much," the Spanish leader explained. "It is plain enough that one cannot go to a football field with a crutch."

"Then, what's the point of signing him ?"

"What a question !" It is the president's turn to be surprised, "That attracts all the media and publicity ! It doesn't matter what-so-ever whether Yao could function as a football player; the point is, we show to the world that we do not discriminate against disabled people, and we could make him a player - at least on the paper - and that's an awesome achievement of our club."

"I really think we should begin feeling sorry for Yao ..." The reporter said to himself.

Author's declaration again:
This story is entirely fictitious. Any emotional feeling of the author that the audience believe they could observe must be wrong. As our Mr. Tsang emphasized, my saying (and writing) does not represent what I think.

1 comment:

Vincent Wong said...

Dear Assistant Coach,

It is me again. I am just wondering - Since we are a big Club, maybe Yao can contribute other than running on the field? For example, I desperately need somebody to analyze the videos of Barcelona in the last two years.

Your humble junior assistant