Tuesday, November 24, 2009


With the slightly unexpected question from the candidate, the two examiners looked at each other. Finally, one of them asked, "Why do you ask that question ?"

"My written paper and bedside are not that bad," my mentor explained, "I don't think you plan to fail me. On the other hand, I understand very well I'm not good enough for a distinction in surgery. Then, why do we waste our time ?"

The two men on the other side of the desk were forced to agree.


I believe it was the next morning the moustache man sat for the distinction viva of medicine.

He was led to a long narrow room, with a handful of professors sitting in a line.

Along one side of the room, there was a series of X-ray boxes, all turned on.

On the boxes, there were ten X-ray films, put up as a line.

All were X-ray of the hands (from ten different medical conditions, of course).

His task was to comment on all of them, and answer related questions.

And he got through.

PS. The scene actually reminds me of the Wooden Men's Lane (木人巷) in those Kung-Fu movies. I'm not sure it's good or bad but we could never have this kind of challenging examination nowadays.

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