Sunday, November 8, 2009


As usual, I brought a book with me for long flights.

This time, my companion was The Crash of 2008 and What It Means by George Soros.(It was my birthday present from my sister.

Honestly I did not have high hope to begin with - the thing looked explicit and lack something delicate. (In retrospect, the title was probably coined by some pragmatic publisher rather than the great hedge fund manager himself. As Confucious said: 以貌取人,失之子羽.)

This time, I was fortunate to find my suspicion on a false ground.

There are two parts of the book: first about Soro's own theory of philosophy, followed by his view on the financial market. Although you may consider it slightly strange for a financial tyrant to talk about philosophy, I agree with the author and find the first part of the book more impressive.

Soro's discussion was largely on epistemology (a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and limitations of knowledge). His idea was rather simple, which I shall elaborate tomorrow.

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