Saturday, November 28, 2009


You may find my story yesterday irrelevant. By coincidence, I encountered a very similar happening last week. Let me modify the scene a bit and give you a feel.


(In a job interview for the new lecturer of a medical school.)

The chairman asked, "What's your passion ?"

The candidate solemnly replied, "Oh, I love doing research and teaching medical students."

"Are you interested in seeing private patients ?" The chairman went on.

"No ..." the candidate said. He soon found a dark face in front of him, and he added, "... and yes. I can take some."

"I would suggest you to take many. You see, we are going to set up a private teaching hospital. I think you could have a busy practice there and generate enough revenue."

For a short while, the candidate suspected he misheard the other side, "Enough revenue ... for what ?"

"So that you could employ someone to do the research and teach the medical students for you !"

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