Tuesday, August 31, 2010


While watching Bodyguards and Assassins, I could not help to think of Hassan-i Sabbah.

(For those who are not familiar with the system of ancient middle Asian people, it means the name is Hassan, he is the son of someone called Sabbah.)

You have not heard of him? You probably did. Let me give you a slightly convoluted description.

Hassan was a Persian missionary in the late 11th century. After doing study and training in Egypt, he spent most of his time in the heart of the Alborz Mountains of northern Iran. The place was called Alamut, and there he founded a group that spread throughout Iran and Syria, and came to be called Hashshashin or Assassins.

When his name spread to China, it was translated into "霍山", also known as The Old Man in The Mountain (山中老人). Yes, he was the legendary character who invented Qian Kun Da Nu-o (乾坤大挪移) according to Jin Yong (金庸), as described in The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (倚天屠龍記).

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