Saturday, August 7, 2010


One major idea that Marion Nestle outlines is this:

All advices on a healthy diet could be summarized into two words – eat less. But, they are exactly the words that the (USA) government does not want to advocate publicly – because that would be detrimental to farmers and people related to the food industry.

In fact, competition between food companies is more or less a zero sum game; the population is fixed. One strategy to improve their profit is, therefore, to make us eat more.


In the competition of a limited market, big companies are in a better position to take advantage from any government policy – such as food labelling. Not only because they have the resource to produce labels at a lower cost, but also they could easily put up products with (blinding and) attractive labels for health conscious customers.

For example, what do you think of biscuits with no fat and extra vitamin (but with tons of sugar)?

1 comment:

K said...

Dr. Szeto, did you watch Food Inc. or something of that kind?