Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The question that remains for the triplet is, therefore, what would they feel when they grow up and come to be aware of the fact that they were "created" for a somewhat pragmatic reason.

(I shall not discuss the problem of having no mother - orphans do not.)

But, before laughing at them, maybe we should ask ourselves: Why were we "created" ?

Yes, a good many of us were here because our parents were in love and we were very much wanted. (I won't go that far and ask the meaning of wanted - be it an imprinted desire from evolution or, simply, a wish to get a bigger piece of pork in the village.)

Nonetheless, another substantial proportion of the ordinary population are around because of accident or other nondescript reasons. Should they have anything to be ashamed of? (In fact, if you believe in Steven Levitt, getting rid of unwanted baby by legalizing abortion played a major role in reducing crime. See Freakonomics.)

Of course not. We look for the meaning of ourselves from ourselves, not the couple (or the one) who created us, nor any external factor.

Otherwise we wound end up like K in The Castle, who found out that Count Westwest, who summoned K to measure the land around the castle, was actually long dead.

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