Monday, February 28, 2011


Of course I know very well the comment of PL was the result of the recent happenings at the north-west part of the peninsula.

Many of the visitors of this blog probably know the event better than me, and I shall not describe the details or my opinion here. Suffice to say it is silly to suggest creating more posts for promotion - who is going to do the front line work if everyone gets promoted?

Nonetheless, a quick promotion does create a transient state of euphoria and help easing off the tension for the time being. I would suggest:
  • promote all medical officers to assistant consultants
  • once a medical officer obtains the fellowship, he or she is automatically promoted to associate consultant
  • promote all current associate consultant to consultants
  • promote all consultants to senior consultants
When I discussed my idea to CB and KM, the former asked, "How about the senior consultants now ?"

"We can call them premier, or gold, or diamond consultants, whatever you like." I smiled.

And I said to myself, "Following the system of American Express, we should call them black consultants."

That's exactly what inflation of title means.

PS. Did I say increasing the salary ?


JW said...

You see! Inflation is inevitable if demand >> supply, especially if the demanded item is readily reproducible from a printing machine.

EW said...

i thought it was supply >> demand and the supplied item is machine-printable :D

Larry Lai said...

I guess HAHO will promote you immediately for this brilliant idea, Szeto!

Unknown said...

Yes, Szeto will become the "Supreme Premier Black Consultant" !