Thursday, September 22, 2011


After my brief Internet search, I was about to conclude we should actually encourage the use of genetically modified soybean (and probably other GM foods).

The advantage is obvious: The yield would be increased, so that we can feed the world population, and, at the same time, save more forest and wildlife.

But, I was wrong.

To begin with, although most studies found an increase in crop yield from GM soybeans, confounding factors are common in those studies. Detailed analysis showed that much of the improvement in production came from other concomitant advances in agricultural technology, and the direct contribution of the GM bit is no more than a few percent (after all the hassles!).

So, what's the conclusion?

Alas, like the lyric of Wednesday Morning 3 A.M. by Simon & Garfunkel, the harm seems unreal, the benefit an illusion.

PS. You may argue in the future, with further advances in technology, we may have dramatic increase in crop yield from the new generation of GM food. At the same time, scientists may be able to product soybeans with animal proteins with inadvertent effects.

Both may be true, but, I should follow the usual practice of politicians, and would not put up too much effort to answer a hypothetical question.

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