Saturday, September 24, 2011


Rather than being too serious all the time, let me just tell you a real joke I recently encountered in the ward:

(During the team round on a Saturday morning.)

"Hey, man, you look really like Dr. Li," a newly admitted patient, lying on a corridor bed, pointed to PL - our senior consultant - and said.

"Oh, I am Dr. Li," PL smiled.

"No, I mean you look really like that Dr. Li we see on the television," the patient said.

"Which Dr. Li are you talking about?" The senior consultant was puzzled.

"The one whom we see so often in children programs..."

"Alas, she means Dr. Lee Ka Yan (李家仁) !" One of us said.

"OMG!" PL almost fainted.

PS. That patient was, of course, psychotic. Well, even if she was not, we should make the diagnosis that and there.

PPS. Would PL agree to sing again in the Christmas party ?

1 comment:

JW said...

Yes: "Szeto 上廣州"